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WC-1 HPHT Well (Tarim basin)

After two years of planning and engineering, Top Well was awarded the contract to supply snubbing services to clean out the production tubing on WC-1.


WC-1 HPHT Well (Tarim basin)

Customer: CNPC Tarim Operations Unit
Synopsis: Clean out plugged production tubing (paraffin and hydrates) HPHT well.
Well Data:
  • Tubing: 42mm (1.660”)
  • Casing: 89mm (3.5”)
  • Max Surface Pressure: 96 Mpa ( 13,923Psi)
  • Well Depth: 6500 Meters (21,325’)

After two years of planning and engineering, Top Well was awarded the contract to supply snubbing services to clean out the production tubing on WC-1. This well represents the highest pressure snubbing job ever performed in China, with surface pressure of 96 Mpa at entry into the well. Top Well was the contract holder and sub- contracted several specialist companies to provide the rare and in some cases unique equipment needed for this work over. 

Top Well was responsible for all support services, overall project management, logistics, and ultimately the excellent outcome of the job.
Equipment was imported from several countries and personnel were brought in from 7 different countries to do this work.
The BOP system was 3.1/16” x 20M and all pumping lines, pumps chokes and flow back systems rated to 15M.
                                        WC-1 Circulation Drawing
The well was entered and washing operations began. The job continued until the hydrate/paraffin plug was removed at approximately 2200 M depth. The string was then snubbed out of the well with a surface pressure of 65 Mpa (9500 Psi). Once the pipe was snubbed out to above the master valves, the well was secured and rig down operations began.
The well was worked over in a period of 29 days total.


  • Room 503, Tower C, Ruipu Mansion, Hongjunying South Road,
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China.
  • Phone:010-64820099/77
  • Fax:010-64820669
  • Email:top-well@top-well.com

Top-Well Petroleum Technology Co Ltd