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Offshore platform
Location:South China Sea

Top-Well successfully implemented the project of two C1000 microturbine units on an oil production platform fueled by wellhead associated gases. Since July 2016, units have been fully loaded operating with the features of high efficiency and reliability, ultra-low maintenance and environmental friendly.

Product details

Including offshore platform, natural gas treatment station, transmission pipeline, etc. The followings are sample installations in these fields.

Capstone Microturbines are widely used on offshore platforms in Gulf of Mexico, Southeast Asia, Europe, etc. Please logon to 
https://www.capstonegreenenergy.com and search the keyword “Offshore” for more information.

Location: Gulf of Mexico
Client: Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX)
Fuel: Wellhead gas
Application status:
 In the oil-rich Gulf of Mexico’s Campeche Bay, 46 Capstone microturbines provide prime power on 27 offshore oil rig platforms operated by Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX), the fourth largest crude oil producer in the world.

Location: Malaysia
Client: Petronas Malaysia
Fuel: Associated gas
Application status:
Currently operating 6 platforms with Microturbines
C30 Atex Zone 2 configuration
1, 2, or 3 units per platform
MT operates as prime power

Location: North Sea
Client: Wintershall Holding GmbH
Fuel: Associated gas
Application status:
Currently operating platform with (4) Microturbines
C30 Industrial configuration
MT operates as prime power
Packaged for cold weather application

Location: North Sea
Client: Agip
Fuel: Associated gas
Application status:
Currently operating platform with (4) MicroTurbines
C30 Class 1 Div II Configuration
MT operates as black start power
Provide power to utilities to start (2) Solar Taurus 60 generator sets


If you have any questions or requirements, please contact Mr. Wang 010-64820099, or sent an email to

Basic information for model selection:

1、Installation site
2、Environmental climate
3、Operation model: stand alone, grid connect, dual mode
4、Fuel specifications: pressure, component, etc.
5、Loads requirements
6、Heat recovery
7、Communications and controls
8、Others requirements



  • Room 503, Tower C, Ruipu Mansion, Hongjunying South Road,
  • Chaoyang District, Beijing, P.R. China.
  • Phone:010-64820099/77
  • Fax:010-64820669
  • Email:top-well@top-well.com

Top-Well Petroleum Technology Co Ltd